Property Description
7 Collins Street, Jerramungup, WA, 6337
The subject property is situated on the north eastern side of Collins Street within the Jerramungup townsite. The
subject property is located in a well-established residential/industrial neighbourhood, comprising dwellings of varying
age and style, industrial premises to the rear of the subject and vacant land lots on the opposite side of the road. The
Jerramungup central townsite is located approximately 800 metres to the north.
Jerramungup is a Western Australian town located in the Great Southern agricultural region, 180.00 kilometres
northeast of Albany just west of the Gairdner River. The town of Jerramungup was established in 1953 as a war service
settlement area. It was gazetted in 1957, at a time when the Government was active in opening up land in the area for
agriculture. The town now has a population of 367 people and offers a general store, hotel/motel and fuel services
- 1,214sqm Vacant Residential Land.
- Electricity, town water, sewerage, bottled gas and telecommunication services are all available in this location.
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